Hiller Pharma Co., Ltd.



盡心服務 堅持努力 永不屈服



40 多年來,HPCL 一直倡導創新和創造力,將願景轉化為技術解決方案。憑藉我們全套的音訊、視訊和燈光設備,我們可以無縫地實現您的活動願景。




探索我們的音訊設備系列,包括適用於各種規模活動的擴大機、麥克風、混音器、揚聲器和錄音機。我們的精選產品均來自 d&b audiotechnik、Shure、Yamaha 等領先品牌,保證了一流的品質和性能。我們也提供同聲傳譯系統,以滿足多樣化的多語言需求。


利用我們卓越的視訊技術系統為您的活動提供支援。從簡單的圖形到媒體伺服器,從 4K 攝影機解決方案到捕捉和記錄系統。所有這些都是由我們技術精湛且經驗豐富的工程師團隊精心製作和操作的。


依靠我們的專業知識為任何情況提供量身定制的照明解決方案。我們的產品系列包括照明系統、調光器和 LED 燈,可有效照亮您的空間。


透過我們客製化的顯示和視訊技術解決方案提升您的現場活動。探索各種顯示選項,包括 LED 牆、等離子、超 4K 顯示器和投影儀,這些選項均來自三星、松下和其他行業領導者等知名品牌。






憑藉數十年的行業專業知識,我們提供無與倫比的最新音訊和視訊娛樂選擇。我們對客戶滿意度的承諾是無與倫比的 – 從個人化推薦到便利的數位存取和可靠的準時交貨。選擇我們,享受根據您的娛樂需求量身定制的真正卓越的租賃體驗。







Lora Gray, Target

Thanks again for executing another successful OBBPS. We are all so pleased with the success of the general session, from your skilled team, to the new screens, to the beautiful scenic, it was all outstanding! Thanks for your continued partnership. We appreciate you!

Tze Cheng, Credit Suisse

Thank you for your tremendous support for this year’s 20th Anniversary for the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference. Our clients were thoroughly impressed with the audio video… With Winnie’s leadership and Andy’s technical expertise we were very well supporting and like every year they demonstrated Hiller Pharma’s ability to produce on a high level with solutions that can be met even last minute.

John Mims, J3 Consulting
Thank you for all of your help on Samsung, I couldn’t have done it without you. The Watchout systems far exceeded my imagination… excellent job with the build. Very nice systems!
Michael Baier, Intel Corporation
THANK YOU for pulling off a wonderful keynote on short notice! Our story, graphics, messaging, demos and videos, were truly the hit of the show. This demonstrates the velocity, professionalism, can-do attitude, and expertise of this keynote team… We had lots of late and onsite additions in gear, property build, offsite room, and support staff to accommodate the late demo. We appreciate the HP capabilities… We were confident along the way that our needs were understood and would be executed to expectation.
Irina Medukha, Chief Operating Officer, Asian Corporate Governance Association

First of all, I would like to say a huge Thank You to Hiller Pharma team who worked with us onsite this year and to you for supporting us in the run-up to the event. All the good things I previously heard about Hiller Pharma all came true and we could not wish for a more professional and reliable team.

Kirk Bohde, AV Project Director

Your men did an excellent job on-site and were very helpful and attentive to everything we needed.

Issac Yeo, Meeting Manager
The team was exceptionally professional with the onsite requests and last minute changes. I am glad that we had the opportunity to work together and the event would not have been possible if everyone was not in line on their roles.
Juliette Hall, Project Director
We were extremely pleased with the whole conference which flowed so nicely – very much in part to your work and assistance with all the audio visual side of things.
Don Robinson, Group Managing Director
Your team was a great help to our Special Event Group on site. Our celebration could never have been as successful without your team’s support… we very much look forward to working with your team again.
Scott Monson, M2 on Stage
THANK YOU for all you did to ensure the success of the Adient booth at SHIAS. I’m familiar with being impressed with all you do, how well you do it and how professional you and your staff are. We were most complimentary of all you did.
Pascale Dutronc, Chairman
Your implication, help and patience in this organization are much appreciated… Your good cooperation has been an excellent support.
Kirk Dingman, Freeman
I just wanted to say thank you again for the great event. The feedback from client was great. They were very pleased and the entire Baker McKenzie team had nothing but good things to say about your team. You all did an amazing job and reaffirmed my belief that you are the best in Asia.
Sandra, Hong Kong Jockey Club
The overall production of the show in terms of the flow, lighting and sound are perfect. Two thumbs up.
Sammie Chung, Director of Operations, Event & Exhibition
The technical planning goes into very details with back-up video system, flexible lighting set-up and perfect audio effect. The professionalism and approachable attitude of HP crew always be the best team in HK.
Tony Ngai, Honorary Advisor of HKSC. Founder and Director of Society of Motion Imaging LTD
Dear Jason and your Rambo’s team: I like to express our gratitude to you and your “Rambo” team in making the HKSC (Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers)’s OSVP (On set virtual production) film test possible at Shawstudio on 29 to 30 Sept 2021!
Irina Medukha, Chief Operating Officer, Asian Corporate Governance Association
First of all, I would like to say a huge Thank You to Hiller Pharma team who worked with us onsite this year and to you for supporting us in the run-up to the event. All the good things I previously heard about Hiller Pharma all came true and we could not wish for a more professional and reliable team.
